Monday, 30 September 2013

Serious Talk.

Serious talk, I can't wait to get married. But I pray to know him or to fall in love with him after we get married. Yeah, i'm really inspired by the story of marry first and then fall in love with your spouse rather than the typical-love-story-thingy. Perhaps, we fall in love with each other yet, I don't want to have any special relationship before we are officially married. Most importantly, I pray to have the love that is blessed by Allah :).

Serious talk, Ya Allah, please keep this frail heart and save it for someone who can lead me to be a better person and most importantly, can lead me to Your paradise :). Allah, keep him strong too. I don't know where he is, or how he looks like. But I keep my faith on you.

Serious talk, no Im not desperate to have any hopeless relationship for now. Keep me strong, Allah :)

#IwishIhad YOU:), Let me fall in love with you under Allah's blessing.  No, I dont want Romeo & Juliet's love story anymore.

due to the #trending in Twitter. Out of nowhere, thinking to get married. *ceh*
12.20 am