Wednesday 18 May 2016

In the name of God, the most Gracious, most Merciful

Remember the first time you saw Masjid Nabawi.
Remember how you were in pain but it all just gone the moment you saw  Masjid Nabawi
Remember how mesmerized you were with the beauty, the crowd 
and the sudden thirst for knowledge, of all the beautiful histories

Remember the moment you entered Raudhah
Remember how the crowd who kept pushing to one another yet none of it bothered you
Remember the feeling, Remember how you felt the moment you stepped into the green carpet
Remember the sujood in Raudhah, how the noise from the crowd didnt bothered you not even one second
Remember how close you felt to the one who loves you when he never even met you, 
Rasulullah saw
Remember the cried, remember how ignorant you've been throughout you life

Remember the moments at Masjid Quba
How you sick you were but the moment you sujood to the Almighty
asking for strength and how He granted your wish at the exact moment
How merciful Allah is, How Great His Love is, Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest) 
How unworthy you were 

Remember the journey to Mecca
Remember the love from your parents, Remember how they took care of you
Remember the mixed emotions you felt
how scared you were, those flashbacks of all the sins you committed, how many times have you neglected His call, how many times have you prioritized the world matter above Him, the Creator of all

Remember the moment you finally stepped on the Holy land, Kaabah was standing upon you
Remember how insignificant you were, how unworthy you were yet Allah call upon you 
Allah gave you the invitation, you became His guest. Among all the good people you knew yet He chose you. Subahanallah How Forgiving Allah is.

Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah
(umrah 14/12/2015-23/12/2015)

I pray to Allah, 
I hope he will never take away this Divine feeling and Love that Allah has bestowed upon me
I hope I could remember each moment when I was there, for it reminds me how Merciful Allah is

Monday 18 April 2016

Maka berfikirlah sejenak,
jika tanpa rasa malu timbul dalam hati
saat kita melakukan dosa yang terang-
malah lagi bersuluh termaktub dalam ajaran agama

Berfikirlah sejenak
apa tiada rasa percaya dalam hati
akan adanya Allah-Yang Maha Melihat
Melihat kita.

4 .11.2015 (moments)

Monday 11 May 2015

No matter how wide I stretch my hands, it would never be enough to bear all the pain.
no matter how firm, it just wouldn't be enough

11.12 pm

Friday 3 April 2015

Living in a loud world but live in a quiet world
Sitting alone in room
with a new book and  surrounded by vanilla scent

The sounds of rain.

The quiet moment when I am with you
A tranquil moment which I couldnt find any words to describe

12.13 am
3april :)

Thursday 30 October 2014

A fiasco and the sinner

the painful distance between us
is moving gradually farther away
the jokes has turned into a solemn oath

The lullaby that they sang, could never soothe us anymore

its our biggest fiasco
its our sins

10.09 pm

p/s: I rarely welcome new year or new months. Tho, I do cherish the fact that Allah still gives me the chance to be able to inhale the new air and without hesitation, I thank HIM for that. Well, seems my 2014 has almost come to the end, two months to go, darl. Hai November.


Wednesday 15 October 2014


its not like the blue sky neither the soothing green colour of leaves
Your eyes is like the dark night, filled with stars
the bright stars that everyone loves
the dark night that will always blanketed me into the deep slumber-land
assure me that things will be alright
soothe me when things go wild and crazy.
and I can't stop staring it

I adore each wrinkles of your hand, each that covers your fair skin
it reminds me of how hard you've worked for me and them.
I adore it.
and I thanked you

the noise that you created when you asleep
I can hear it from miles away
tickling me with the sounds that appeared in every scary movies
yet I adore it
because I know you'r safe and you'r still here.

Your firm hand that filled mine whenever I'm leaving
telling me to be strong and firm
as you know things will not always, like how i wanted to be

of all the million things I could write, yet you always make me to only think of one thing

11.05 am
15 oct 

p/s: look who's crying like a toddler who's missing her favourite doll

Saturday 16 August 2014

blown by the wind.

Nowadays, feel like I am partially on the ground yet somehow floating on the air. I dont really understand of what or which phase I am right now. Certain days, my emotion flattered by each things that I do or by the people surround me yet sometimes I feel like every single things that in front of me right now is meaningless and depressing.

I am sorry for being a roller-coaster in your life
my ups and downs 
I guess, I am truthfully still lost.
