Here are some surah that I'd love to share with you guys. I found it while I was browsing some awesome blogs and tumblr. So, if you ever want to be safe and secure without to pay any bodyguard to protect you. All you need is just spend your precious time with this "words of love" from our Creator whom loves us very much :)
A little reminder. A sip of ice lemon tea, anyone? :)
Surah Fatiha- protects one from the anger of Allah
Surah Yassin- protects one from the thirst of the Day of Judgement
Surah Waqi'ah- protects one from poverty and starvation
Surah Al-Mulk- protects one from the punishment of the grave
Surah Kauthar- protects one from the enmity of enemy
Surah Kafirun- protects one from kufr at time of her/his death
Surah Ikhlas- protects one from hypocrisy
Surah Falaq- protects one from calamities
Surah Naas- protects one from evil thoughts
say your pray, folks
.7.05 pm.